
Hello Lovelies!

I get so excited when I receive notifications from WordPress and it’s especially exciting when WordPress lets you know that you’ve reached a milestone such as reaching 100 Followers!! Woohoo!!!


I published my very first blog post less than 3 months ago. I really had no idea that I would come to enjoy blogging this much. I absolutely love engaging with other bloggers because we share the same passions. While I truly wish that I had more time to blog, I post whenever possible and love every minute of it. I wish I could wake up in the morning and just blog (then maybe I’d look forward to waking up sometimes!)

I want to give all of my followers a BIG THANK YOU for all of your kind words, love & support. I think you are all every bit of amazing!! xx

To express my gratitude, I wanted to give you all a chance to win…

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